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Advanced Design and SIL Verification (EC54) 


Advanced Design and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Verification (EC54) focuses on detailed design issues and hands-on examples of system analysis and modeling. Students will learn to analyze a system’s technology and configuration to see if it meets the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL), and to decide if existing systems are safe or if they need to be upgraded. EC54 will better enable students to perform system design and analysis and to recognize whether proposed systems will meet the performance requirements. This course will also show students how to determine the optimum manual test interval for any system to prevent over- or under-testing systems.

ISA Process safety verification specialist badge
This course is part of the ISA/IEC 61511 Safety Instrumented Systems Certificate Program. Course registration includes one exam fee. Pass the exam and earn the ISA/IEC 61511 SIS Verification Specialist Certificate designation. 

Required Prerequisite

Successful completion of ISA Safety Instrumented Systems: A Lifecycle Approach (EC50) and a passing grade for the ISA Certificate Safety Instrumented Systems Certificate exam are required prerequisites for EC54.

Who should attend EC54?

  • Control systems engineers and managers
  • System integrators
  • Plant managers
  • Plant safety and risk management personnel

View Offerings by Format

Classroom (EC54)

Length: 2 days 
CEU Credits: 1.4

View EC54 Offerings

Virtual Classroom (EC54V)

Length: 2 days 
CEU Credits: 1.4

View EC54V Offerings

Visit our course formats page for a detailed description of each format. 

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze any system technology and configuration to see if it will meet the required SIL
  • Determine if existing systems are safe enough (or whether they need to be upgraded) and whether proposed systems will meet the performance requirements
  • Explore the LOPA
  • Determine the optimum manual test interval for any system, saving your company time and money by not over- or under-testing systems

Topics Covered

  • System Modeling/Analysis Hands-On Advanced Examples
    • Multiple Examples with Different Field Device Technologies
    • Configurations
    • Diagnostic Levels
    • Test Intervals
    • Common Cause Factors
    • Imperfect Manual Testing
  • Detailed Design Topics
    • Fault Tolerance
    • Safe Failure Fraction
    • Diagnostic Coverage
    • Confidence Limits
    • System Response to Faults
    • Using Devices for Control and Safety
    • Non-Fail-Safe Design Requirements
    • Interface Requirements


  • The course consists of multiple application exercises of safety integrity level selection
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own examples to cover in class

Resources Included


  • ISA/IEC 61511 series of standards will be provided for use during the course


A hand-held, scientific calculator should be brought to class.

Not sure this course is right for you?

Complete a knowledge check designed to evaluate your level of understanding of the course material and show you the types of questions you’ll be able to answer after completing the course.

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