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Focus on high-temperature measurement

CMC-N16 controller

The IP65 housing is made from durable plastic, allowing the unit to be installed in any location (including outdoors) where panel mounting is not possible. Despite fewer I/Os than the MultiCon panel-mounted version, existing metering, controls, data logging, and human-machine interface functionalities have been maintained in this version.The MultiCon range of multichannel controllers and data recorders now has a wall-mounted version for simultaneously measuring and controlling a wide variety of process engineering applications. The CMC-N16 wall-mountable controller has up to four universal inputs with built-in totalizer, up to four digital inputs, up to four binary outputs, and up to four analog outputs.

The CMC-N16 has integrated advanced control functions (e.g., PID, on/off, time and profiles) with data logging of set points, excitations, and current state of controlled objects. Based on Linux firmware, the unit is stable, and the touchscreen simplifies configuration. The CMC-N16 allows users to choose from 13 available I/O blocks. The CMC-N16 is suitable for a wide range of process applications, including centralized temperature measurement and control, multizone heating control, intermediate pumping station control, control of industrial furnaces and incinerators, and engine test cell measurements.

Impress Sensors & Systems Ltd., www.impress-sensors.co.uk

Programmable transmitters

The instruments provide alternatives to conventional mechanical switches and transmitters for controlling operations such as pumps and compressors, lubrication oil monitoring, hydraulic pressure, filter status, and other industrial applications based on temperature or pressure. The One Series line includes switch only, transmitter only, and hybrid transmitter-switch models. Customers choose the appropriate instrument based on their requirements for integrated switching and sensing, intrinsic safety, power level, and power source.The One Series line of explosion-proof, programmable transmitters and switches has been upgraded to include the functionality of the preceding line into five models while adding new operational, programming, and diagnostics capabilities.

For integrated switching and a transmitter, model 1XTXSW has a loop-powered 24 VDC HART-enabled smart transmitter, with two programmable set-point, fail-safe solid-state relays rated at 0“280 VAC/VDC @ 0.3 A. For high-voltage, low-current switching only, model 1XSWHL provides a two-wire input powered switch for 110 and 230 VAC and 125 VDC logic solver inputs, with a programmable set-point switch rated at 70“240 VAC/VDC at 0.1 A max.

For low-voltage, low-current, intrinsically safe switching only, model 1XSWLL has a two-wire input powered switch for 24 and 48 VDC logic solver inputs, with a programmable set-point switch rated at 7.8“50 VDC at 0.1 A max. For high-voltage, high-current switching only, model 1XSWHH has a four-wire externally powered programmable set-point switch rated at 70“240 VAC @ 0.15“10 A. For use as a transmitter only, model 1XTX00 provides a loop-powered 24 VDC HART-enabled smart transmitter compliant to the NAMUR NE 43 standard.

United Electric Controls, www.ueonline.com

Digital temperature controllers

The TC10 (10A, 15V) and TC5 (5A, 15V) are digital controllers for thermoelectrics and resistive heaters where tight temperature stability is required. Stabilities better than 0.0009°C can be achieved with the thermistors. Researchers can precisely monitor trace gases in fracking, biosamples in life sciences, and semiconductor performance. Applications include electro-optics, imaging, spectroscopy, remote sensing, military, aerospace, communications, material processing, and environmental or manufacturing control.

The controllers have stability (0.0009°C) at 5 and 10 amps up to 15 volts; a touchscreen front panel with set point, actual temperature, and stability status on one screen; a remote command set for controlling and logging data from a remote computer via USB (test and measurement class) or Ethernet; and autotuning that adapts the proportional, integral, derivative (PID) control values as the set point is changed. The controllers also have an interface with the infrared sensor to monitor the temperature of liquids and solids, avoiding contact or contamination with the sample.

Over- and under-temperature limits, as well as positive and negative current limits, can be set. If the sensor signal is lost or a short is detected at the thermoelectric, output current is disabled. If temperature limits are exceeded, a signal to the active laser load can be sent to disable its current. An auxiliary sensor can be used to monitor the temperature of the system heat sink.

Press the autotune icon to have the instrument automatically cycle through a characterization test to tune the control terms for best performance. Two methods of autotune are available. Set-point response optimization minimizes the time-to-temperature for the load. Disturbance rejection optimization is best when there are significant changes to the ambient temperature or operating condition.

Wavelength, www.teamwavelength.com

Infrared thermometer

The sensor has a temperature range between 1,000ºC and 2,000ºC, scalable via simple-to-use programming keys or the included PSC Connect software. The same keys and software adjust peak hold, valley hold, average, and extended hold functions with threshold and hysteresis. The sensor's dual lasers precisely pinpoint targets at any distance. The sensor has a response time of 1 ms. High-resolution optics provide spot sizes from 1 mm.The PSC-SSS-Laser-05M is a noncontact infrared thermometer that measures the temperature of metal surfaces and molten metals. With a short measuring wavelength of 525 nm, the sensor minimizes measuring errors due to emissivity uncertainty and atmospheric changes.

The sensor has a choice of outputs, including USB, RS-232, RS-485, CAN, Profibus DP, and Ethernet. Programmable functional inputs for external emissivity adjustment, ambient temperature compensation, and trigger reset of hold functions are provided. The thermometer can be used to monitor molten metal pour streams, crucibles, disamatic casting operations, furnaces, graphite applications, and high-temperature induction heat treating/forging applications.

The sensor is usable up to 85ºC ambient temperature without a cooling apparatus and has an automatic laser "switch off" at 50ºC. The sensor head can be installed in high ambient temperatures, and a full line of rugged industrial accessories is available for protection and optimal operation. These include an advanced cooling jacket to use with air or water and mechanical accessories, including mounting brackets, air purge collars to protect from dust and outside impact, and sight tubes and mounting flanges.

Process Sensors Corporation, www.processsensorsir.com

Infrared camera

The device can also take multiple images and combine them to produce one in-focus image. The focusing system lets users capture an automated, focused image of multiple targets at once, delivering the image clarity needed by professional thermographers and maintenance managers.The Ti450 infrared camera includes a super resolution mode that increases effective image resolution to 640 x 480, two- and four-time digital zoom that enables a user to zoom in on a small part of a target, and autofocus that instantly focuses on a single target using a built-in laser distance meter to calculate and display the distance to the designated target.

Fluke, www.fluke.com

Handheld pyrometers

The P20 M1 measures temperatures from 650°C to 1,800°C at an optical resolution of 300:1 at a specific wavelength of 1.0 µm to suit metals. The P20 M2 measures temperatures from 385°C to 1,600°C at an optical resolution of 300:1 at a specific wavelength of 1.6 µm, enabling accurate measurements at a safe distance. The P20 M5 measures temperatures from 1,000°C to 2,000°C at an optical resolution of 150:1 at a specific wavelength of 525 nm to suit molten metals.The P20 laser thermometer devices measure temperatures from 0°C to 2,000°C for any material or object, including molten metal, sheet metal, and metal structures such as steel girders. The thermoMETER P20 series includes four versions that operate at different wavelengths across different temperature bands. The user selects the appropriate thermometer for the temperature range and target material or object. The standard P20 version measures temperatures from 0°C to 1,300°C at an optical resolution of 120:1 across a spectral range of 8 - 14 µm to suit a wide variety of materials.

The series measures temperatures up to a maximum distance of 12 m from the target. An integral double laser pointer indicates the spot size at any distance, and a sighting scope helps with sighting and alignment of the P20 with the target. The internal data memory can store up to 2,000 measurement values, which can be downloaded later via a USB interface to the freely supplied IRConnect software. Emissivity is adjustable from 0.100 to 1.100.

Micro-Epsilon UK, www.micro-epsilon.co.uk

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