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  • CCST
ISA Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) program

Certified Control System Technicians (CCSTs) calibrate, document, troubleshoot, and repair/replace instrumentation for systems that measure and control level, temperature, pressure, flow, and other process variables.

CCST question

What is the value of a resistor that is color coded: green - brown - orange - gold?

A. 51 K ohms ± 5%
B. 80 K ohms ± 5%
C. 51 ohms ± 10%
D. 503 ohms ± 10%

CCST Answer
The correct answer is A, The correct answer is A, 51 K ohms ± 5%. The four-color band coding is:
Color Value Multiplier
Black 0 1
Brown 1 10
Red 2 100
Orange 3 1000
Yellow 4 10 K
Green 5 100K
Blue 6 1 M
Violet 7 10 M
Gray 8  
White 9  
Gold ± 5% 0.1
Silver ± 10% 0.01

So a resistor with four bands,
green-brown-orange-gold, has a value of: 5 1 x 1000 ± 5%
Or 51 KΩ.

Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

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