Certified Control System Technicians (CCSTs) calibrate, document, troubleshoot, and repair/replace instrumentation for systems that measure and control level, temperature, pressure, flow, and other process variables.
CCST question
An instrument location plan shows the _________ of each instrument
A. location and wiring plan
B. location, elevation, and tag number
C. specification number and tag number
D. location, specification number, and elevation
CCST Answer
The correct answer is B, “location, elevation, and tag number.” Instrument location plans are most often used to support new plant installations and give the installer information about the actual physical location of the installation of an instrument, the elevation of installation (at grade, on a platform, at what height on a process line, etc.), and the tag number of the instrument to be installed.
Specification numbers (part of answers C and D) are usually indicated on instrument lists and instrument installation details. Wiring plans (part of answer A) are typically shown on conduit and wiring schedules or cabling diagrams. Although these details are useful in the installation of a plant, they are not part of the instrument installation plans.
Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.
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