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The ISA101 Committee will establish standards, recommended practices, and/or technical reports pertaining to human-machine interfaces in manufacturing applications.


The standards, recommended practices, and/or technical reports developed by ISA101 will be directed to those responsible for designing, implementing, using, and/or managing human-machine interfaces in manufacturing applications. Unless noted otherwise in a specific ISA101 document, the documents will apply to all manufacturing industries.

The areas covered within ISA101's work will include: menu hierarchies, screen navigation conventions, graphics and color conventions, dynamic elements, alarming conventions, security methods and electronic signature attributes, interfaces with background programming and historical databases, popup conventions, help screens and methods used to work with alarms, program object interfaces, and configuration interfaces to databases, servers, and networks.

ISA101 Work

The current co-chairs of ISA101-HMI are Dr. Maurice Wilkins  and Greg Lehmann.

ISA101 does much of its work via email and web meetings, but also holds face-to-face meetings. 

The group maintains a SharePoint site at ISA101 that is available to members.

If you are interested in joining ISA101, please contact:

Torry Bailey
ISA Standards Administrator
(919) 990-9311