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ISA members are to exhibit the highest standards of competency, honesty, integrity, and impartiality, be fair and equitable, and accept a personal responsibility for adhering to applicable laws and safeguarding the public welfare in their professional actions and behavior. ISA values excellence, integrity, diversity, equity and inclusion, collaboration, and professionalism. All members commit to upholding the principles and behaviors by joining and retaining membership in ISA.

ISA Members

  • Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of our duties and shall notify our employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate where such obligations are abused
  • Act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and we shall not participate in any business association, interest or circumstances which influence, or appear to influence, their judgment or the quality of their services
  • Are honest, truthful, ethical, and fair in presenting information and in making public statements reflecting on the profession 
  • Disclose to affected parties known or potential conflicts of interest or other circumstances which might influence - or appear to influence - judgment or impair the fairness or quality of their performance.
  • Respect the proprietary information, copyrights, intellectual property rights, and data privacy of others
  • Treat fairly and respectfully all colleagues, recognizing their unique contributions and capabilities
  • Accept responsibility for their actions; seek and acknowledge criticism of their work; offer honest and constructive criticism of the work of others; properly credit the contributions of others; and do not accept credit for work that is not their own work
  • Offer services in the areas of their competence and experience affording full disclosure of their qualifications
  • Do not represent themselves using ISA’s name as to imply endorsement by ISA in order to advance personal or company sales, leads or other gain

In accepting a leadership role in the Society, volunteers agree to lead by example.

ISA Leaders

  • Faithfully support the mission and represent the Society positively to others
  • Follow the Society’s policies
  • Provide for leadership continuity by developing new leaders
  • Promote active participation
  • Remain open to change, innovation and improvements


Violation of the code may result in complaint. Persons bringing complaints are not entitled to relief or damages within this process. Direct or indirect retaliation of any kind against the individual who initiated the complaint, or anyone involved in the investigation, is strictly prohibited.

Complaints must be submitted in writing to and should be accompanied with as much evidence as is reasonable. Complaints against the President are submitted to the ISA Executive Director who will review with the Past President. Complaints cannot be submitted anonymously and must be made within one year of the occurrence of the alleged violation.

Complaints of a commercial nature (such as claims alleging defamation by or unfair business practices), or primarily requesting judicial-type relief, will not be considered unless they also involve potential violations of ISA policies.

The President (or Past President) will review the complaint and determine whether to convene a Conduct Review Committee to investigate. The Conduct Review Committee will consist of five members, appointed by the President (or Past President).

The committee will make every attempt to resolve the complaint within 90 days. The committee will send notice to the member whose conduct has been called into question. Even if the member under review voluntarily resigns from the Society, the review will continue.

The committee will investigate to whatever extent is necessary to clarify, expand or corroborate the information provided. Final reports from any previous complaints regarding the member will be shared with the committee. If the member chooses to retain legal counsel, it is done so at his or her own expense. Other than as required by law, no information about the investigation will be released beyond the committee, President, and executive staff.

From the investigation, the committee will prepare a written reporting including determination of a violation of policy and recommended disciplinary action. Options include no penalty, written warning, suspension of membership for a set period, or permanent expulsion from ISA.

A copy of the report will be sent to the member, who will have 30 days to respond in writing. The committee may alter its report and/or include the member response as an addendum. The report is final upon issue to the President (or Past President). The executive staff will retain the final report.

If suspension is recommended, the President (or Past President) will request Executive Board approval.