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Operating Policy for the Council of Society Delegates (CSD)

The general powers, composition, meeting and voting rules are set forth in the Society bylaws. This policy provides further operational details.

The Society President chairs all meetings of the Council, including setting the agenda and appointing the Resolutions and Credentials Committees.

Resolutions Committee

  • This group is typically comprised of the Society Past President, Treasurer, and President-elect Secretary
  • This committee reviews and approves the minutes of the meeting


  • Delegates represent the voice of the section membership, reviewing the agenda and amendments with section leaders and members in advance of the meeting
  • The District Vice President provides passes to the delegates in advance of the meeting and provides the official list to the Credentials Committee

Credentials Committee

  • This group is typically comprised of Society committee chairs
  • The committee assists in verifying credentials of delegates through roll call, tallying the number of Sections and membership votes represented
  • After the figures are tabulated, the Credentials Committee announces the totals so the President may declare the presence or absence of a quorum


  • Ex-officio members of the Council may participate in the discussions

Meeting Administration

  • Seating is assigned by District
  • A delegate wishing to speak must be recognized by the chair and provide his or her name and Section
  • Debate is limited to two minutes for each speaker
  • Voting is conducted at the option of the Chair. When required, a roll call vote shall be conducted