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Technical Publication and Presentation Policy

This policy covers papers and presentations presented at ISA meetings, symposia, articles in Society journals, publications, and electronic media.

Publication of Proceedings and Papers

ISA staff is responsible for compiling technical content for inclusion in proceedings and other ISA publications to:

  • ensure uniform high production quality of its proceedings
  • centralize its information storage and dissemination resources
  • ensure continuity of series acquisitions by libraries
  • provide stability of planning, budgeting and production
  • achieve maximum promotional value for the Society’s publications program

Any exception to this procedure requires written authorization by the Executive Director.

Author Rights and Responsibilities

Authors of papers at ISA meetings must grant to ISA a royalty-free, unlimited right to publish the paper and presentation materials, including the right to sell these materials and publish them with an ISA copyright notice. Authors should avoid using the paper and presentation in a manner that directly competes with the technical conference so that ISA has a reasonable opportunity to recover its expenses. ISA allows the author(s) to retain copyright and use of the paper and presentation materials in exchange for rights granted above to ISA. Other non-ISA publications may include abstracts or up to 300-word excerpts of ISA papers provided credits are given to the authors, the meeting, and the Society

Originality of Papers and Presentations

An objective of the Society is to maintain both high technical standards and originality of meeting papers to avoid proliferation of redundant literature. When evaluating papers and presentations, ISA requires the author to attest that neither the paper nor any substantial portion of it has appeared in a generally distributed publication, nor has it been presented at meeting of a non-ISA organization.

Technical program chairs should only repeat papers when there is a substantially different audience than was present for the original presentation, and only if the repeated papers are appropriate to the new program scope. The paper, abstract, and any excerpts from the paper must be clearly identified as a repeat presentation or as an update of an earlier paper containing new information in the program and at the time of presentation. In this case the paper should be clearly identified as “originally presented at [specify event]”.

Author Presentations

Authors are encouraged to present their papers at ISA section, district, and regional meetings before or after presentation at a larger gathering of the Society, so long as these papers will not appear in a nationally or internationally distributed publication as a result of these presentations.

Use of Commercial References

Depending on the meeting or publication involved, the paper or presentation content may cover an original investigation, state-of-the-art survey or tutorial information. However, commercialism is not acceptable. Accordingly, paper or presentation titles and abstracts may not contain company names, trademarks, trade names, or other commercial references. Trade names and trademarks essential to the meaning of information being presented may appear in the body of the paper or presentation when properly footnoted.

Copyright of Material

Proceedings copyright is assigned to ISA. The Society assumes financial responsibility for these publications.

All authors are required to follow current ISA author submission guidelines as directed by ISA staff.

A paper that has appeared in print in a generally available non-ISA publication should not be accepted for publication or presentation at a Society-wide meeting, even if copyright protection is waived by the copyright holder. This rule should not be construed to exclude papers that were originally published either as a thesis for an advanced degree, or as articles in a limited-distribution, non-commercial publication. It does exclude articles that have appeared in a generally available non-ISA publication.