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  • Your Letters

In Memoriam: Greg Shinskey

You wrote so well about Greg Shinskey in the December issue. Thank you for telling his story so well.

Rod Love, senior engineer, Process & Equipment Development

Nicely Put Together

Regarding the October 2021 issue: Nicely put together! A thought-provoking editorial (“The Essential Skill of Mastering Virtual Worlds”). I wasn’t as inconvenienced as many were. I haven’t had to go to an office or client meeting since I retired in 2017. I have committed myself to never getting on another airplane.

Two of the articles were of special interest to me: “LoRaWAN: A Clipboard Killer for Condition Monitoring” and “FDI Certification Enables Smoother Digital Transformation.” For the last number of years before retiring in 2017, my main focus was promoting and supporting Neles’ asset management and condition monitoring offering.

Jon Monsen, www.Control-Valve-Application-Tools.com

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