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Fire and Gas Mapping: Practical Application (EC56)

ISA EC56 Training - Image of Safety concept of safety and security system on offshore oil and gas processing platform, hand hold gas detector for check hydrocarbon leak to protect fire and explosion
Fire and Gas Mapping: Practical Application (EC56) explains how to determine the correct quantity and location of fire and gas detectors to appropriately reduce risk to a tolerable level. Fire and gas detection and suppression system design techniques currently in use are often considered unsatisfactory due to their rule-of-thumb and experience-oriented nature, without any real means to quantify risk. Only after technical report ISA-TR84.00.07-2018, Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire, Combustible Gas, and Toxic Gas System Effectiveness was published, was a comprehensive framework for performance-based fire and gas design established.

This certificate course describes the techniques recommended in the technical report, along with the hands-on application of these techniques and their associated software tools. It applies to a wide range of professionals involved with fire and gas systems—from high-level decision-makers to hands-on users. It teaches a basic understanding of design techniques and includes a comprehensive case study that involves employing software to develop a complete performance-based design for a sample oil and gas production facility.

ISA Fire and Gas Mapping Specialist Certificate Badge
This course is provided as a preparation resource for the Fire and Gas Mapping Specialist Certificate Program. Your course registration includes your registration for the exam. Pass the exam and earn the certificate. 

Who Should Take EC56?

  • Instrumentation and control engineers
  • Instrument reliability engineers
  • Process safety management engineers
  • Process safety management administrators and/or managers
  • HSE management
  • Engineering management

View Offerings by Format

Classroom (EC56)

Length: 3 days 
CEU Credits: 2.1

View EC56 Offerings

Virtual Classroom (EC56V)

Length: 3 days
CEU Credits: 2.1

View EC56V Offerings

Visit our course formats page for a detailed description of each format. 

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the hazards that are being mitigated by fire and gas systems (FGS)
  • Identify the steps in the FGS safety lifecycle
  • Define the elements of a fire and gas detection philosophy
  • Explain how to develop a preliminary detector layout
  • Discuss how risk is used in performance-based FGS engineering
  • Explain how to specify FGS performance requirements
  • Apply the principles of detector coverage assessment and fire and gas mapping

Topics Covered

  • Introduction: Overview and Definitions
    • Examples of fire and gas systems
    • Legal requirements and good engineering practices
    • Performance-based FGS
  • Fire and Gas Hazards
    • Attributes of hydrocarbon fires 
    • Characteristics of combustible gas releases
    • Toxic gas hazards
    • Other special hazards safeguarded by FGS
  • The FGS Lifecycle  
    • Relationship to ISA/IEC safety lifecycle
    •  ISA technical report concepts
    • FGS engineering design lifecycle
  • Risk Concepts used in FGS Engineering
    • Risk definitions
    • Risk parameters effected by FGS
    • Risk model (Event Tree Analysis)
    • FGS considerations in PHA/LOPA/QRA
  • FGS Philosophy  
    • Objectives of FGS philosophy definition
    • FGS philosophy elements
  • Selecting FGS Performance Requirements  
    • Performance targets based on risk 
    • Hazard assessment options
    • Fully quantitative methods for assessment
    • Semi-quantitative methods for assessment
  • Detector Coverage Assessment
    • Fire geographic coverage
    • Fire scenario coverage
    • Gas geographic coverage
    • Gas scenario coverage
  • FGS Safety Availability
    • SIL versus FGS safety availability
    • FGS function definition
    • FGS safety availability calculation

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